Anime/Manga Synopses of Ranma 1/2, pt. 3

TV series||OAV series||Anything Goes Martial Arts series||Movies||
Hard Battle series||Outta Control||Manga

Ranma Group Pic no. 2

Anything-Goes Martial Arts Series

The Breaking Point||Cat-Fu Fighting||
Chestnuts Roasting Over an Open Fire||Cold Competition||Darling Charlotte||The Evil Wakes||Fowl Play||
Goodbye Girl-Type||It's Fast or it's Free||
Ranma and Juliet||Tough Cookies

The Breaking Point:
Ranma Trains At Mt. Terror: Ryouga returns from a training trip in the mountains, only to be beaten by an considerably improved Ranma. It seems that Ranma's battles with Cologne, the great-grandmother of Shampoo, have greatly increased Ranma's skill and speed. In an effort to finally beat Ranma, Ryouga agrees to being trained by Cologne. The two follow Ranma, Genma, and Akane to a distant mountain, where Ranma is training himself. After challenging Ranma to a duel, Ryouga is shown a technique called the "Bakusai Tenketsu", or "Breaking Point", by Cologne - technique which can shatter rocks with one touch of a finger. With this technique, Ryouga believes he can beat Ranma, and begins the heavy training...
The Breaking Point!? Ryoga's Great Revenge!: Ryouga continues to train to learn the "Bakusai Tenketsu" move, and even though he is repeatedly slammed by the large rocks Cologne throws at him rather than shattering them, Ryouga doggedly continues to train. Meanwhile, Ranma has learned of the technique Ryouga is attempting to master and begins his own counter-training to try to become fast enough to avoid the dreaded "Breaking Point". But when the day of the duel comes, with a captured Akane as the prize for the winner, Ranma has to find a way to beat a Ryouga who's learned much more than shattering rocks while mastering the "Breaking Point" technique...

Cat-Fu Fighting:
You Really Do Hate Cats!: Kuno still hasn't been able to defeat Ranma Saotome, so now he calls on his personal servant, the ninja Sasuke, to try and find out Ranma's "Achilles heel". After, every person has a weak spot, right? But when Ranma's weak spot is actually found, Kuno and Sasuke may find that they tried to get more than they bargained for!
This Ol' Gal's The Leader of The Amazon Tribe: During the time that Ranma's fear of cats is being discovered, a mysterious gift arrives from China. When the gift turns out to be a cat, Ranma is obviously terrified. But unbeknowest to Ranma, there's more to this Chinese cat than meets the eye...

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire:
Behold! The 'Chestnuts Roasting In An Open Fire' Technique!: Shampoo's great grandmother Cologne shows up to see her "son-in-law" Ranma, and now Ranma has to deal with the 300-year old Amazons tricks and attempts to undermine his engagement to Akane. And when Cologne takes away Ranma's ability to turn back into a boy by making him sensitive to heat, female Ranma has to go all-out to get the "Phoenix Pill" - the cure for his condition. The bad news is that Cologne has the pill and even if Ranma has to waitress at the Cat Cafe and master the secret "Chestnuts Roasting over an Open Fire" or "Amaguriken" technique, he's determined to get the pill!
Enter Mousse! The Fist of the White Swan!:Ranma still can't turn back into a boy, but one poke from Dr. Tofu and Ranma seems to be cured! With the appearance of Mousse, Shampoo's supposed husband-to-be and master of the hidden weapon, it's yet another man-to-man fight, but when the one-time cure from Tofu wears off and Ranma gets stuck as a girl, he has to think quick before the "man-to-man" fight with Mousse begins!

Cold Competition:
Cool Runnings! The Race of the Snowmen!: Ranma's still stuck as a girl, and in an effort to get her mind off of her troubles, the Tendos and Saotomes take a vacation and a nice ski resort in the Japanese mountains. But Ranma's troubles eventually come to her anyway as Cologne is there yet again, taunting her with the cure to the Cat Tongue pressure point technique, the Phoenix Pill. To get the Phoenix Pill, Ranma ends up entering a skiing race...but to defeat Cologne at the race's finish, he might have to face his greatest fear...
Danger at the Tendo Dojo: The Tendo dojo sign, a sign of the pride of the Anything-Goes School of Martial arts, is in jepaordy for being lost to the Dojo-Destroyer, a giant, vindictive martial artist who uses his strength to defeeat those weaker than him. Akane and Ranma agree to defend the dojo togehter, after much arguing, but just then Shampoo shows up with a possible cure for Ranma's curse, to be given on the condition that Ranma goes on a date with the Chinese amazon..ont he day of the Dojo-Destroyer's attack! Now an injured Akane must face the giant, evil martial artist by herself..unless Ranma can make it in time back from the date...

Darling Charlotte:
The Abduction of P-Chan!: One day when Akane and her friends happen to be at a skating rink, P-chan is kidnapped from the ice! It doesn't take long to find the culprit - Azusa Shiratori, one half of the self-proclaimed "Golden Pair" and "collector" of cute things. And when Azusa challenges Akane to a "martial" skating match against her and her kiss-obsessed partner, Mikado Sanzenin, Akane has to find a partner to skate with. Little does she know that Ranma has a score to settle with Mikado, who humiliated him in the worst way possible...
Close Call! The Dance of Death...on Ice!: The day of the match has come, and Mikado makes a solemn promise to "steal Akane's lips" before the match is over. Ranma has to stop this from happening, and after a series of attempts by Mikado, Ranma makes his own promise - to kill Mikado if he tries to kiss his fiancee again....!

The Evil Wakes:
Enter Happosai, the Lustful Lecher!: Long ago, Genma and Soun suffered under the tutelage of a martial arts master named Happosai, who not only taught them the basics of the Anything-Goes Martial Arts style, but also made their lives a living hell. Now Happosai's back, and he's looking to use his "unique" new training techniques on young Ranma, the heir to the nything-Goes school. Now Ranma has to deal with the old pervert's obsession with panties, girls, and especially Ranma's girl side...
Assault of the Girls' Locker Room: Ryouga just happens to come upon a map showing the location of a Japanese Spring of Drowned Man, a possible cure for his curse. Together, Ryouga and Ranma decide to follow the map to the location of the underground spring, but when it turns out to be the girls' locker room at Furinkan High, they are mercilessly chased away by the angry girls within. Now, ironically, it might take Ryouga and Ranma's cursed forms in order to get the cure they've been seeking for so long...

Fowl Play:
The Abduction of Akane!: Mousse, Shampoo's supposed bride-to-be, has returned, and lures Ranma into a confrontation with him at a Chinese circus. It appears that Mousse made his own little training trip to Jusenkyo - and though he came back cursed, he also brought a little surprise for Ranma...and when Mousse kidnaps Akane to use his "surprise" on, Ranma has to act fast, Akane's going to find out first hand what it's like to be cursed...
Mousse vs. Ranma! To Lose Is To Win!: Ranma manages to save Akane from the clutches of a devious Mousse, who is looking to take Shampoo's heart away from him. Dejected by the loss, Mousse wallows in self-loathing and love for the beautiful Amazon. However, Akane's got a plan to get Mousse to win SHampoo once and for all. Setting up a duel between Ranma and Mousse, she says that the winner takes Shampoo. Now all she has to do is convince Ranma to lose on purpose....

Goodbye-Girl Type:
Kuno's House of Gadgets! Guests Check In, But They Don't Check Out!: Ranma and Ryouga discover that when they find three different color urns and place them in a special spot, a Japanese Nannichuan, or Spring of Drowned Man will arise in Japan (just the cure for Genma, Ranma, Mousse, and Ryouga). Ranma and Ryouga have found the first urn, but the second urn is reputed to be in the estate of the Kunous, of all places! Ranma, Ryouga, Shampoo, Mousse, and Akane must survive the "Kunou House of Gadgets", not to mention Kunou, Kodachi, and Sasuke, to get the second urn.
Goodbye, Girl-Type: Ranma and co. have managed to take the second urn from the Kunou estate, but now Happosai has it! Ranma and Co. must get it back from him, find the third urn, and find the spot where the Japanese Nannichuan will rise. Unfortunately, Happosai may not be too happy about those who steal "his" property...

It's Fast or it's Free:
P-Chan Explodes! The Icy Fountain of Love!: The Martial arts skating match continues, and Akane and Ranma have to foil the "Golden Pair"'s finishing move - a deadly spin move called the "Goodbye Whirl"! Ranma injures himself badly trying to foil the technique, but still is able to get up to continue the fight. Little does anyone know that "Charlotte" is planning to interfere in the matchup, and when Ryouga screws up his plan and is paired with, of all people, female Ranma, the two must stop trying to kill each other long enough to defeat the fabled "Golden Pair"...
Clash of the Delivery Girls! The Martial Arts Takeout Race!: Long ago, when he was starving and lost, Genma "traded" his infant son to a man on the road for rice and two pickles! Of course, Genma got his son back, but now the man has caught up with Genma and Ranma, claiming Ranma for his own son to marry his daughter, Kaori! Now Akane has to challenge Kaori to a local race which offers free ramen for a year to the winner! It's the winner takes all in this race (ramen and Ranma), but can Akane defeat a master of "Delivery Martial Arts"?

Ranma and Juliet:
Kissing Is Such Sweet Sorrow. The Taking of Akane's Lips!: Ever since she was little, Akane's wanted the part of "Juliet" in Romeo and Juliet (she played Romeo before) and now that she has it, it's like a dream come true. The dream, however, quickly turns into a nightmare as Ranma, Kunou, and Happosai decide to have a battle on stage to see who gets to be "Romeo". And if Ranma's wants to win and get a chance to see China (first prize for winning the drama contest for best play), he's going to have to do something he would normally never do...
Bathhouse Battle! We're In Hot Water Now!: The bath in the Tendo dojo is in need of repairs, so Ranma has to accompany Happosai to the public baths in order to take a bath (and keep an eye on the old lecher). Akane, Nabiki, and her friends just happen to show up on the girls' side of the public bath, and when Happosai tries to sneak a peek at them, Ranma has to stop him. The result is an all out battle between Happosai and Ranma, which Ranma seems to be winning. All he/she has to do is watch out for the hot water on the girls' side...

Tough Cookies:
It's A Fine Line Between Pleasure and Pain!: Akane's worked hard to make the best batch of cookies she can for Ranma, but before Ranma can refuse to try any of Akane's cooking, Kodachi shows up and steals the cookies. In the process, Kodachi just happens to get an incriminating photo of her and Ranma in a very sugestive position. Now Ranma has to get to the Kuno household and destroy the negative before Kodachi can spread around the copies of the photo all over town, where certain people that he doesn't want to see the picture might see it. To make matters even more difficult, Akane has followed Ranma to the Kuno's in search of her cookies and Ranma...
S.O.S. The Wrath of Happosai!: On a certain day, Ranma and Genma just happen to make Happosai mad by taking away his fabled panty collection. The old perverted master is bad enough when he's not mad, but when he gets wrathful, he gets downright evil. With high bills for food, false ransom notes, and other little pranks played by Happosai, the Tendo household is going crazy - and when Ranma is kicked out of the dojo until he can humble himself before Happosai and apologize, Ranma has to find a way to put away the old freak's wrath and force him to submit..

(NOTE: More to be added...all videos and their titles are copyrights of Viz Video, Kitty/Shogakukan Films, and Rumiko Takahashi.)

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez
This page was last updated on June 17, 1998